
José M Mato receives the prestigious "XLIII Jímenez Díaz Memorial Lecture" award for his scientific career.


-> The award was granted by the Conchita Rábado de Jiménez Díaz Foundation, an institution in which Professor Mato began his scientific activity 40 years ago.

-> Nobel Prizes such as Hans A. Krebs, Arthur Kornberg, Luc Montagnier, or renowned scientists such as Joan Massagué, Margarita Salas or Craig Venter, have been some of the awarders in the 43 editions of this award.

-> Professor Severo Ochoa was the first one awarded in 1969.


Professor José M Mato, general director of the Basque research centres CIC bioGUNE and CIC biomaGUNE, has been awarded the "XLIII Jiménez Díaz Commemorative Lecture" for his scientific career. An acknowledgement granted by the Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz Foundation since said awards were established in 1969.

The award ceremony will be held on 19th May in the headquarters of the Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz Foundation in Madrid, after a Symposium entitled "Metabolism and Illness", to be followed by Professor Mato's lecture on "Metabolism, metabolomics and the discovery of new biomarkers and medicine".

This award has achieved great international relevance in the scientific community since it awarded, in its first edition in 1969, the eminent Spanish scientist Severo Ochoa. In the remaining 42 editions, we can find among the awarders some of the most relevant scientist as, among others, Nobel Prizes Hans A. Krebs, Arthur Kornberg, Luc Montagnier, or renowned scientists such as Joan Massagué, Margarita Salas or Craig Venter.

"It is a pleasure and an honour that the institution where I began my scientific training over 40 years ago has granted me this prestigious award. My professional career began in the laboratory of Manuel Serrano Ríos, a room of around 30 square metres located in department of Metabolism, Nutrition and Hormones of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation. My time at the Foundation was an unforgettable experience. I was lucky to meet people who have meant a lot to me, both intellectually and personally", states Professor José M Mato.

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