Activity Detail
Introducing NMR and the CiC bioGUNE NMR Platform
Tammo Diercks
NMR Spectroscopy is a most versatile, quantifiable, and non-destructive analytical technique that can provide a unique wealth of atomically resolved information on molecular composition, structure, interaction, dynamics, mobility (size), protonation state, etc. To understand its functioning, but also its limitations, I will first provide a brief introduction to the physics, hardware, and sample requirements for NMR, and an overview of our CiC bioGUNE NMR platform. In the second part of my talk I will go through the diverse molecular information accessible by NMR in more detail, and illustrate them by means of selected research projects (mostly) carried out at bioGUNE during the past years. My presentation, thus, aims to provide a basic understanding of solution state NMR and its capacities (as well as limitations) in order to enable all colleagues at CiC bioGUNE to assess whether this powerful technique might be helpful and applicable to their own research projects.