
"Ayuda a investigación Oncológica 2013" grant awarded to one our groups for studing hepatocellular carcinoma


After studying the evaluation report by the A.N.E.P. (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva), the Scientific Foundation Board of the "Asociación Española contra el Cáncer - AECC" at its 19th June 2013 meeting, adopted unanimously to grant the "Ayuda a Investigación Oncológica 2013", Modality B/Return, to Dr. Teresa de Jesus Cardoso Delgado from CIC bioGUNE with the project: 'NEDDBOLISM: NEDDylation as a novel regulator of proliferative metaBOLISM in hepatocellular carcinoma' being Dr. Maria Luz Martínez-Chantar the Senior Principal Investigator of this project.


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The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) awards one of our groups with a three year PhD...

Pablo Fernadez Tussy, from