
Basque Business Association's President visits CIC bioGUNE

Mr. Miguel Lazpiur, President of the Basque Business Confederation (Confebask), visited today, 22nd of March, CIC bioGUNE's facilities at the Technological Park of Bizkaia. The Basque businessmen representative has been received in the center by its general director, Jose M Mato, and after a brief meeting, has been shown the platforms of the Structural Biology Unit: X-Ray Crystallography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR and Electron Microscopy. CIC bioGUNE's Chief Financial Executive, Alfonso Egaña, and director of the BioBasque Agency, Maria Aguirre, accompanied them during the event.

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Timing is everything

Current estimates by the World Health Organization indicate that, worldwide, about 1.6 billion (BMI >25 kg/m2) adults are overweight and 400 million are...



Advances in protein quantitation using iTRAQ labeling

Proteomics Platform group at CIC bioGUNE has recently published two papers focused on the methodological aspects of protein...
