
CIC bioGUNE hosts the first women and leadership workshop organized by the Spanish Association for Research on Cancer (ASEICA)

Women are a majority in biomedical sciences-related careers. However, their presence in the different stages of the research path presents a pyramidal pattern. While the presence of women is the predominant among doctoral students and laboratory technicians, they become a minor proportion of the group leaders at Spanish research institutes. Although the specific reasons underlying this phenomenon are poorly defined, factors such as maternity leave, gender unbalance in familial conciliation and the high productive pressure in research could be key contributing factors. In the Spanish Association for Research on Cancer (ASEICA), we have set as a strategic goal to expose this situation and work towards its improvement through two specific actions: dissemination and training. The first dedicated workshop of ASEICA Woman is devoted to cover these two aspects in Bilbao, in October 9 and 10 2019.

1. Training the female leader scientists of tomorrow: In collaboration with CIC bioGUNE, ASEICA Woman has organized a one-day workshop in Bilbao, focused on young female researchers, to offer intensive training on leadership and effective communication. The leadership course is provided by QuidQualitas, and the Effective Training course is coordinated by ElMuro. 20 female researchers will receive this dedicated training to help them in their path to independence as mature independent scientists.

2. The state of the art and challenges of women in research. This initiative will take place in Plaza del Ensanche 11, on October 10, under the auspice of Bilbao City Hall and CIC bioGUNE, and with the collaboration with WomenCEO and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). This is an event open to the general public, in which leading female researcher and women is different roles within the scientific system will provide a panoramic view of their personal experiences and the general difficulties that can explain the pyramidal distribution aforementioned. In addition, a round table will cover the upcoming challenges and the demands for women in research. The event will wrap up with a scientific presentation by the prestigious Spanish researcher Marisol Soengas.

ASEICA and CIC bioGUNE are devoted to increase the visibility of women in research and work towards the elimination of gender-specific barriers in research.

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