

The CIC bioGUNE's International Scientific Board will meet to design the strategies of the future

- The International Scientific Advisory Board, made up of leading international researchers, will hold its tri-annual meeting in order to analyse the research centre's scientific output in recent years and its projects for the future.

- The sessions will take place on 19th and 20th October at the CIC bioGUNE headquarters

- The group will disseminate the conclusions of its evaluation at the end of the meeting.



(Bilbao, October 2015).- The International Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences CIC bioGUNE will meet on 19th and 20th October in order to analyse the entity's scientific output in recent years and design the strategic working lines for the future.

The sessions will kick off with a presentation by the General Manager of CIC bioGUNE, José Mª Mato, who will review the history, the milestones and the future prospects of the centre for scientific excellence. The scientific director, Jesús Jiménez Barbero, will present the current research programmes, their position within the international context of research into Life Sciences and the scientific challenges to be addressed in the short and medium term.

Then, the leaders of the scientific teams working at CIC bioGUNE will individually present the status and evolution of their projects to the Board.

The sessions will conclude with the deliberations of the members of the Board and the presentation of the preliminary conclusions.

The Board, which meets every three years at the headquarters of CIC bioGUNE, is made up of 9 internationally renowned scientists in the field of oncology, neuropathology, biochemistry or molecular biology and chemistry, among other disciplines.

The scientists are: Adriano Aguzzi, from the Neuropathology Institute at Zurich University Hospital; Tom Blundell, from the Biochemistry Department at Cambridge University; Avelino Corma, from the Institute of Chemical Technology at the CSIC-UPV (Prince of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research 2014); Christian Griesinger, from the Max Planck Biophysics Institute in Göttingen; Richard Henderson, from the MRC Molecular Biology Laboratory at Cambridge; Nancy E. Hynes, from the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Basel; Shelly Lu, from the Gastroenterology Division at the Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles; Jeremy Nicholson, from the Surgery and Cancer Department at Imperial College London; and Manuel Serrano, from the Molecular Oncology Programme at CNIO.



About CIC bioGUNE

The Centre for Cooperative Research in Biosciences CIC bioGUNE, with its headquarters on the Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, is a cutting edge Life Sciences research organisation in the interface between structural, molecular and cell biology, focusing especially on the study of the molecular bases of disease, to be used in the development of new diagnostic methods and advanced therapies.

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