
Cristina Sampedro Torres-Quevedo will defend her PhD thesis Friday, July 12th

Cristina Sampedro Torres-Quevedo will defend her PhD thesis entitled "Analysis of the relationship between the phylogeny and the spontaneous misfolding proneness of the prion protein across hundreds of species of the class Mammalia" on Friday, July 12th at 11:00H.

Supervisor: Joaquín Castilla & Hasier Eraña

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Asier Antoñana Vildosola will defend his PhD thesis Thursday, July 11th

Asier Antoñana Vildosola will defend his PhD thesis entitled "Study of the Siglec-15–CD11b...



CIC bioGUNE potencia la investigación entre estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad de Deusto...

Estudiantes de 1º de Medicina de la Universidad de Deusto han sido reconocidos...
