
El País reports on Ana M. Aransay's talk in Eureka Cafe

'What do we know about ourselves?' was the title of the talk, with an invitation to disscussion, which was eagerly taken up by a 50-odd strong audience of all ages and backgrounds. The talk, given by Ana M. Aransay, the head of Genome Analysis Laboratory in CIC bioGUNE, was the first in the series of scientific gatherings of the Eureka Cafe. She was assisted by Rosa Barrio, the group leader of another Functional Genomics laboratory in the same center. The subject was the current state of knowledge in genomics, including among others, the human genome project and its practical implications.

The Eureka Cafe series, organized by Gorka Lasso, also of CIC bioGUNE, and Joaquín Corral Vaquero, supported by the local council, is aimed at the young people interested in science and takes place in Hika Ateneo cafe in Bilbao. The idea is to engage the broadest possible audience in a debate on varied scientific subjects, having supplied them with some general background and possibly a few more interesting details, in an informal, relaxed atmosphere.

Judging by this first effort, it is set to become a resounding success. Congratulations Eureka Cafe - carry on!

See Eureka Cafe programme on their website http://www.eurekacafe.es/

Cafe Eureka was also mentioned elsewhere in the press.

See El Mundo article here

See a large version of the first picture


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