The Introductory Week at CIC bioGUNE
PhD candidates familiarize with the research environment of the centre and get to know each other.
From September 30th until October 4th CIC bioGUNE celebrated the 2nd edition of the Introductory Week, part of the CIC bioGUNE Training Program. This initiative aims to present CIC bioGUNE to the PhD Candidates that joined the institute during the last year.
The week started with a presentation by the Scientific Director Jesús Jimenez-Barbero about the general mission, aims and research structures of our center. This was followed by presentations of the CIC bioGUNE Training Program by the Training Committee and the Technology Transfer Office by Donatello Castellana. After that, each PhD candidate gave a short introduction on her/his background and PhD thesis project to other students and supervisors. In the following days, senior researchers informed them on the lines of research, scientific capabilities and technological platforms at CIC bioGUNE, giving them the opportunity for a guided tour through the facilities. The week culminated with the presentation of the “visionary research projects” by the PhD candidates to CIC bioGUNE staff. These projects were developed during this week under the premise that they could enjoy a substantial 1.5M€ grant to be spent in 4 years to explore the most interesting research idea. All the groups presented their innovative projects to a captivated audience, followed by interesting discussions.
During this week, students not only became familiarized with CIC bioGUNE, they also got to know each other and experienced the challenge and the joys of creating an elaborate research project in collaboration with other colleagues with different backgrounds (biology, biochemistry, chemistry, among others). The CIC bioGUNE community certainly enjoyed their presentations, full of talent and imagination, which added a fresh look to complex biomedical issues. Welcome all to CIC bioGUNE!
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