
Mondragón and Bergara supports research in prostate cancer at CIC bioGUNE

Representatives from organized groups in Mondragón and Bergara have reached out to CIC bioGUNE research group led by Arkaitz Carracedo in the context of the past prostate cancer awareness month. Mondraveber and MovemBergara initiatives were created to spear-head a fundraising activity last November, which attracted the attention of the locals and resulted in a significant sum of funds for research.

Both groups decided to invest these funds in prostate cancer research that is carried out in the Basque Country. To this end, the Carracedo lab, Mondravember and MovemBergara met in Mondragón to evaluate the possibilities of donating funds to CIC bioGUNE for research in this subject.

On February 19th 2019, representatives of Mondravember and MovemBergara visited CIC bioGUNE and learnt about the biomedical research being carried out in the institute. Their support to prostate cancer research illustrates the relevance of engaging society in fundraising activities in order to strengthen the Basque research system.

New proposals emerged from this meeting to combine future fundraising events with dissemination activities for students and adults (an strategic activity in the Carracedo lab), which will be developed in the context of the 2019 Prostate cancer awareness month in November.

Thank you Mondravember and MovemBergara for your support!

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