
Shedding light on new metabolic pathways implicated in cancer

The group of Arkaitz Carracedo at CIC bioGUNE has corresponded a review article in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Cancer where he revisits the metabolic pathways required to sustain cancer cell survival and growth. In this Progress article, Dr. Carracedo and his collaborators, Profs. Pier Paolo Pandolfi (Associated director of Beth Israel Deaconess Cancer Center, Harvard Med. School, Boston) and Lewis C. Cantley (Director of Weill Cornell Cancer Center, NY) emphasize the relevance of fatty acid oxidation for cancer cell function, a metabolic pathway that has been left out in the dark of this field for many years. This review integrates the studies of several groups during the last five years and it is the culmination of a large body of work by Dr. Carracedo that he initiated in the laboratory of Prof. Pandolfi and has further developed in CIC bioGUNE (highlighted in CIC bioGUNE news in this link).

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