
Announcement of the 3rd PROTEOSTASIS Action Meeting: “Proteostasis and its Biological Implications” on 2nd-5th of November 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal

About the meeting

The COST Action BM1307 PROTEOSTASIS coordinated by Dr. Rosa Barrio (group leader at CIC bioGUNE) organizes the 3rd PROTEOSTASIS Action Meeting: “Proteostasis and its Biological Implications” on 2nd-5th of November 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal.

This meeting follows the tradition established in previous meetings such as “Meeting on Protein Quality Control and Ubiquitin Systems in Health and Disease” in 2012 to facilitate the interaction, collaboration and exchange of "know-how" between researchers and students working in "intracellular protein homeostasis" area.

The 3rd PROTEOSTASIS Action Meeting will cover all basic and applied aspects of protein quality control, ubiquitin-like systems, proteasome structure, ubiquitin mediated proteasomal degradation and autophagy.

Leading scientists from all over the world will present and discuss latest developments in protein quality control and ubiquitin field. One of the major objectives of the meeting is to attract young researchers by giving them the chance to meet and develop links with the widely acknowledged experts in the field. This will be established by presentations during poster sessions and short talks in every topic sessions.

The meeting is open to all scientists around the world. Details about the meeting agenda, venue, registration procedure and abstract submission are available at the following website: http://cedoc.unl.pt/proteostasis2016/#


About the project

The COST Action PROTEOSTASIS BM1307 is a European network with members from almost all countries in Europe. Its main objective is to facilitate research and collaborations in the fields of Ubiquitin/Proteasome, Ubiquitin-likes, autophagy and lysosomal systems in health and diseases.

Intracellular proteolysis is not only critical for cell homeostasis but also relevant for many pathologies, such as cancer, immune diseases, neurological disorders, etc… Its role in almost every biological process has generated a huge interest among scientists with quite different backgrounds, which in turn has resulted into both a tremendous advance of our knowledge and an important fragmentation of the field. The Action coordinates and integrates the efforts made by European research teams to better understand protein homeostasis and to translate novel discoveries into products of clinical and/or economic value.

More information in: http://cost-proteostasis.eu/


About CIC bioGUNE role

Dr Rosa Barrio, principal Investigator at CIC bioGUNE, is the Chair of the Action, being CIC bioGUNE the Grant Holder. She is in charge of the scientific and administrative management of the Action.
Dr Rosa Barrio holds a PhD in Sciences from the Autonoma University of Madrid (Spain), who worked in first line European Institutions (CBMSO, EMBL, IMBB). Since December 2004 she has been in charge of the Laboratory 1 at the Functional Genomics Unit of CIC bioGUNE, where she develops her research on the role of SUMOylation and other ubiquitin-like modifiers during development.

For more information: http://personal.cicbiogune.es/rbarrio/

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