Activity Report 2019

CIC bioGUNE - Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biociencias


About Us

flecha abajo-derecha


Conducting research of excellence in the field of the life sciences, covering the entire value of R&D&i, including technology transfer and commercial exploitation of the generated scientific results.

flecha derecha-abajo

Strategic Challenges:

  • Research of excellence
  • Technology Transfer
  • Collaboration with RVCTI agents
  • International recognition
  • Training and promotion of research talent
  • Attraction and retention of talent
  • Communication and Outreach
  • Excellence in Management


Commitment to specialization and excellence

flecha derecha-arriba


  • Leading infrastructures
  • Human Resources
  • Technical and administrative support
  • Competitive salaries
  • Goal-Fulfillment Incentives
flecha abajo-izquierda


Staff 2019.12.31: 0

Average Age: 0 years

Permanent staff: 0 (44%)

Gender distribution

  • 0% Female
  • 0% Male
  • 0% LISM - Law of Social Integration of the Handicapped

211 Total CIC bioGUNE Personnel

  • 0% Research
  • 0% Administration and Services


Researchers Distribution by Proffesional Category

    % Woman Man
  Researchers 126 71.2 63 63
  • Principal investigators/Platform Managers 27 15.3 7 20
  • Postdoctoral Researchers/Research Assistants 44 24.9 24 20
  • PhD Students 55 31.1 32 23
  Technicians 51 28.8 36 15

Research Distribution by Geographic Origin

Research Distribution by Geographic Origin

Spain 90
Italy 14
Portugal 1
Austria 2
United Kingdom 1
The Netherlands 1
Albania 1
Germany 2
Romania 1
The Americas 10
Asia 3
  • 0% Spain
    90 researchers
  • 0% Rest of Europe
    23 researchers
  • 0% The Americas
    10 researchers
  • 0% Asia
    3 researchers

Strategic Plan

New incorporations

Dr. Gonzalo Jiménez-Osés
University of La Rioja
Dr. Asís Palazón
University of Cambridge & Astra Zeneca
United Kingdom


0 Trabajos Fin de Grado

0 Trabajos fin de Máster

0 Erasmus

0 Formación Profesional


0 Prácticas Formativas de Grado


Funding Organism Programme Requests
Ministry of Science,
Innovation and Universities
Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i 21
Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i 12
Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad 11
ISCIII Programación Conjunta Internacional 2
Proyectos de Desarrollo Tecnológico en Salud 1
Incorporación de nuevos grupos al consorcio CIBER 1
Basque Government Ayudas a la Investigación Colaborativa – Programa ELKARTEK 5
Ayudas a proyectos de investigación y desarrollo en salud 4
Programa Predoctoral y Postdoctoral/Programa Bikaintek 6
Adquisición Equipamiento Científico 1
BIND 4. 0. Accelerator Program 1
Ikerbasque Ikerbasque Research Fellow 3
UE-H2020 MSCActions 16
European Research Council (Starting G/Consolidator G/PoC G) 4
National Private
Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa” 24
Fundación Científica AECC 4
Fundación BBVA 5
Fundación Merck Salud 3
Fundación Domingo Martínez 1
Fundación FERO 1
Fundación CRIS 2
La Marató de TV3 1
Fundación Francisco Cobos 2
Fundación Banco Sabadell 2
Fundación Jesús Gangoiti Barrera 3
Ship2B 1
Fundación Tatiana Pérez Guzmán el Bueno 2
International Private
Gilead Science 2
Worldwide cancer research AICR 2
World Cancer Research 1
European Institute of Technology (EIT Health) 1
EASI Genomics 1
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 1
Swiss Cancer Research Foundation 1
TAKEDA Oncology 1
Ferring Research Institute 1
Inospin 1
March of Dimes 1
Michael J.  Fox Foundation 1
Pfizer Foundation 1
EMBO Long-term Fellowship 1
Joint Traditional Calls Rare Disease E-Rare/ERAPerMed/ERA-Net NEURON 5


New Calls

H2020-UE → ⇧1


National Private Organisms → ⇧5

Fundación Jesús Gangoiti Barrera

International Private Organisms → ⇧10


Total 2019 R&D Budget: 0 k€

R&D Projects: 0

New R&D Projects: 0

  • 0 % Competitive public Funding
  • 0 % Non competitive public funding
  • Total: 0% competitive + 0% non-competitive
  • 0 % Basque Government Departments
    7.795 K€
  • 0 % MINECO & MEDC (Spanish Government)
    3.506 K€
  • 0 % R&D Contracts, Research Services & Others
    5.761 K€
  • 0 % EU & International Projects
    2.044 K€






Av. IF

Technology Transfer and Innovation

Economic Activity: 5.103.252

  • Basque Country: 0%
  • National: 0%
  • International: 0%

New Research Contracts 0

0 New Patent Applications

0 new patent:

  • USPTO: 10,420,755

0 Licensing Agreement


12 New Patent Applications

  • 0 European Patent Applications
  • 0 PCT Patent Applications
  • 0 USPTO Patent Applications
  • 0 Other Patent Applications

NMR-based Diagnostic

Diagnostic analysis of metabolites from blood and urine. Capacity 15. 000 samples/year. Collaboration with Bruker. ISO13485 in process.


AAV Quality Control

Adeno associated viruses used in gene therapy need quality control to check for Empty vs Full Capsid. Microscopy fulfills the industry requirement by returning critical data on AAV charges ISO9001 in process.



CIC bioGUNE investigators obtain two new ERC Grants in 2019:

  • ERC Consolidator Grant - Arkaitz Carracedo. CancerADAPT - Targeting the adaptive capacity of prostate cancer through the manipulation of transcriptional and metabolic traits.
  • ERC Starting Grant - Asis Palazon. NextGen IO - Exploiting the hypoxia response in T cells for Next-Generation Immuno-Oncology.

One new lab (Precision Medicine & Metabolism) is created by merging two of the existing ones.

Two new research groups (Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy and Computational Chemistry) join CIC bioGUNE.

CIC bioGUNE publish more than 180 publications in 2019. More than 30% of them display an Impact factor above 10. The average IF in 2019 reaches 8. CIC publications are cited more than 5000 times in 2019.

A new IVDR NMR 600 MHz spectrometer is purchased to further support the NMR ICTS and extend the NMR & Metabolomics projects developed at CIC bioGUNE.

CIC bioGUNE is recognized within the top 100 NPO/NGO Institutions worldwide (position 62) in Life Sciences, according to Nature Index.

Competitive funding at CIC bioGUNE reaches 66% of total funding. Private funding goes beyond 35% of total funding.

Scientific Highlights

Single-cell analysis of cardiogenesis reveals basis for organ-level developmental defects

de Soysa, TY; Ranade, SS; Okawa, S; Ravichandran, S; Huang, Y; Salunga, HT; Schricker, A; del Sol, A; Gifford, CA; Srivastava, D.

Nature. Volume / Issue / Pages:572(7767):120-124. DOi: 10. 1038/s41586-019-1414-x

Quiescence Modulates Stem Cell Maintenance and Regenerative Capacity in the Aging Brain

Kalamakis, G; Brune, D; Ravichandran, S; Bolz, J; Fan, WQ; Ziebell, F; Stiehl, T; Catala-Martinez, F; Kupke, J; Zhao, S; Llorens-Bobadilla, E; Bauer, K; Limpert, S; Berger, B; Christen, U; Schmezer, P; Mallm, JP; Berninger, B; Anders, S; del Sol, A; Marciniak-Czochra, A; Martin-Villalba, A.

Cell. Volume / Issue / Pages:176(6):1407-+. DOi: 10. 1016/j. cell. 2019. 01. 040

Assessment of network module identification across complex diseases

Choobdar, S; Ahsen, ME; Crawford, J; Tomasoni, M; Fang, T; Lamparter, D; Lin, JY; Hescott, B; Hu, XZ; Mercer, J; Natoli, T; Narayan, R; Aicheler, F; Amoroso, N; Arenas, A; Azhagesan, K; Baker, A; Banf, M; Batzoglou, S; Baudot, A; Bellotti, R; Bergmann, S; Boroevich, KA; Brun, C; Cai, S; Caldera, M; Calderone, A; Cesareni, G; Chen, WQ; Chichester, C; Cowen, L; Cui, HZ; Dao, P; De Domenico, M; Dhroso, A; Didier, G; Divine, M; del Sol, A; Feng, XY; Flores-Canales, JC; Fortunato, S; Gitter, A; Gorska, A; Guan, YF; Guenoche, A; Gomez, S; Hamza, H; Hartmann, A; He, S; Heijs, A; Heinrich, J; Hu, Y; Huang, XQ; Hughitt, VK; Jeon, M; Jeub, L; Johnson, NT; Joo, K; Joung, I; Jung, S; Kalko, SG; Kamola, PJ; Kang, J; Kaveelerdpotjana, B; Kim, M; Kim, YA; Kohlbacher, O; Korkin, D; Krzysztof, K; Kunji, K; Kutalik, Z; Lage, K; Lang-Brown, S; Le, TD; Lee, J; Lee, S; Lee, J; Li, D; Li, JY; Liu, L; Loizou, A; Luo, ZH; Lysenko, A; Ma, TL; Mall, R; Marbach, D; Mattia, T; Medvedovic, M; Menche, J; Micarelli, E; Monaco, A; Mueller, F; Narykov, O; Norman, T; Park, S; Perfetto, L; Perrin, D; Pirro, S; Przytycka, TM; Qian, XN; Raman, K; Ramazzotti, D; Ramsahai, E; Ravindran, B; Rennert, P; Saez-Rodriguez, J; Scharfe, C; Sharan, R; Shi, N; Shin, W; Shu, H; Sinha, H; Slonim, DK; Spinelli, L; Srinivasan, S; Subramanian, A; Suver, C; Szklarczyk, D; Tangaro, S; Thiagarajan, S; Tichit, L; Tiede, T; Tripathi, B; Tsherniak, A; Tsunoda, T; Turei, D; Ullah, E; Vahedi, G; Valdeolivas, A; Vivek, J; von Mering, C; Waagmeester, A; Wang, B; Wang, YJ; Weir, BA; White, S; Winkler, S; Xu, K; Xu, TS; Yan, CH; Yang, LQ; Yu, KX; Yu, XT; Zaffaroni, G; Zaslavskiy, M; Zeng, T; Zhang, JTD; Zhang, L; Zhang, WJ; Zhang, L; Zhang, XY; Zhang, JP; Zhou, X; Zhou, JR; Zhu, HT; Zhu, JJ; Zuccon, G; Stolovitzky, G; Kutalik, Z; Lage, K; Slonim, DK; Saez-Rodriguez, J; Cowen, LJ; Bergmann, S; Marbach, D.

Nature methods. Volume / Issue / Pages:16(9):843-+. DOi: 10. 1038/s41592-019-0509-5

Epigenetic loss of RNA-methyltransferase NSUN5 in glioma targets ribosomes to drive a stress adaptive translational program

Janin, M; Ortiz-Barahona, V; de Moura, MC; Martinez-Cardus, A; Llinas-Arias, P; Soler, M; Nachmani, D; Pelletier, J; Schumann, U; Calleja-Cervantes, ME; Moran, S; Guil, S; Bueno-Costa, A; Pineyro, D; Perez-Salvia, M; Rossello-Tortella, M; Pique, L; Bech-Serra, JJ; De la Torre, C; Vidal, A; Martinez-Iniesta, M; Martin-Tejera, JF; Villanueva, A; Arias, A; Cuartas, I; Aransay, AM; La Madrid, AM; Carcaboso, AM; Santa-Maria, V; Mora, J; Fernandez, AF; Fraga, MF; Aldecoa, I; Pedrosa, L; Graus, F; Vidal, N; Martinez-Soler, F; Tortosa, A; Carrato, C; Balana, C; Boudreau, MW; Hergenrother, PJ; Kotter, P; Entian, KD; Hench, J; Frank, S; Mansouri, S; Zadeh, G; Dans, PD; Orozco, M; Thomas, G; Blanco, S; Seoane, J; Preiss, T; Pandolfi, PP; Esteller, M.

Acta Neuropathologica. Volume / Issue / Pages:138(6):1053-1074. DOi: 10. 1007/s00401-019-02062-4

Plasticity of adult hepatocytes and readjustment of cell fate: a novel dogma in liver disease

Cubero, FJ; Martinez-Chantar, ML.

Gut. Volume / Issue / Pages:68(6):954-956. DOi: 10. 1136/gutjnl-2019-318218

Using Ubiquitin Binders to Desipher the Ubiquitin Code

Mattern, M; Sutherland, J; Kadimisetty, K; Barrio, R; Rodriguez, MS.

Trends in biochemical sciences. Volume / Issue / Pages:44(7):599-615. DOi: 10. 1016/j. tibs. 2019. 01. 011

PROTEOSTASIS: A European Network to Break Barriers and Integrate Science on Protein Homeostasis

Dissmeyer, N; Coux, O; Rodriguez, MS; Barrio, R.

Trends in biochemical sciences. Volume / Issue / Pages:44(5):383-387. DOi: 10. 1016/j. tibs. 2019. 01. 007

Methionine Adenosyltransferase alpha 1 Is Targeted to the Mitochondrial Matrix and Interacts with Cytochrome P450 2E1 to Lower Its Expression

Murray, B; Peng, H; Barbier-Torres, L; Robinson, AE; Li, TWH; Fan, W; Tomasi, ML; Gottlieb, RA; Van Eyk, J; Lu, ZM; Martinez-Chantar, ML; Liangpunsakul, S; Skill, NJ; Mato, JM; Lu, SC.

Hepatology . Volume / Issue / Pages:70(6):2018-2034. DOi: 10. 1002/hep. 30762

Causes of hOCT1-Dependent Cholangiocarcinoma Resistance to Sorafenib and Sensitization by Tumor-Selective Gene Therapy

Lozano, E; Macias, RIR; Monte, MJ; Asensio, M; del Carmen, S; Sanchez-Vicente, L; Alonso-Pena, M; Al-Abdulla, R; Munoz-Garrido, P; Satriano, L; O'Rourke, CJ; Banales, JM; Avila, MA; Martinez-Chantar, ML; Andersen, JB; Briz, O; Marin, JJG.

Hepatology . Volume / Issue / Pages:70(4):1261-1246. DOi: 10. 1002/hep. 30656

Serum Metabolites as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Cholangiocarcinoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Banales, JM; Inarrairaegui, M; Arbelaiz, A; Milkiewicz, P; Muntane, J; Munoz-Bellvis, L; La Casta, A; Gonzalez, LM; Arretxe, E; Alonso, C; Martinez-Arranz, I; Lapitz, A; Santos-Laso, A; Avila, MA; Martinez-Chantar, ML; Bujanda, L; Marin, JJG; Sangro, B; Macias, RIR.

Hepatology . Volume / Issue / Pages:70(2):547-562. DOi: 10. 1002/hep. 30319

Fine-Tuning of Sirtuin 1 Expression Is Essential to Protect the Liver From Cholestatic Liver Disease

Blokker, BA; Maijo, M; Echeandia, M; Galduroz, M; Patterson, AM; Ten, A; Philo, M; Schungel, R; Gutierrez-de Juan, V; Halilbasic, E; Fuchs, C; Le Gall, G; Milkiewicz, M; Milkiewicz, P; Banales, JM; Rushbrook, SM; Mato, JM; Trauner, M; Muller, M; Martinez-Chantar, ML; Varela-Rey, M; Beraza, N.

Hepatology . Volume / Issue / Pages:69(2):699-716. DOi: 10. 1002/hep. 30275

Impact of Aromatic Stacking on Glycoside Reactivity: Balancing CH/pi and Cation/pi Interactions for the Stabilization of Glycosyl-Oxocarbenium Ions

Montalvillo-Jimenez, L; Santana, AG; Corzana, F; Jimenez-Oses, G; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Gomez, AM; Asensio, JL.

Journal of the American Chemical Society. Volume / Issue / Pages:141(34):13372-13384. DOi: 10. 1021/jacs. 9b03285

Structure-Based Design of Potent Tumor-Associated Antigens: Modulation of Peptide Presentation by Single-Atom O/S or O/Se Substitutions at the Glycosidic Linkage

Companon, I; Guerreiro, A; Mangini, V; Castro-Lopez, J; Escudero-Casao, M; Avenoza, A; Busto, JH; Castillon, S; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Asensio, JL; Jimenez-Oses, G; Boutureira, O; Peregrina, JM; Hurtado-Guerrero, R; Fiammengo, R; Bernardes, GJL; Corzana, F.

Journal of the American Chemical Society. Volume / Issue / Pages:141(9):4063-4072. DOi: 10. 1021/jacs. 8b13503

Computational Strategies for Niche-Dependent Cell Conversion to Assist Stem Cell Therapy

Sol, A; Okawa, S; Ravichandran, S.

Trends in biotechnology. Volume / Issue / Pages:37(7):687-696. DOi: 10. 1016/j. tibtech. 2019. 01. 005

Glycoprofile Analysis of an Intact Glycoprotein As Inferred by NMR Spectroscopy

Unione, L; Lenza, MP; Arda, A; Urquiza, P; Lain, A; Falcon-Perez, JM; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Millet, O.

ACS central science. Volume / Issue / Pages:5(9):1554-1561. DOi: 10. 1021/acscentsci. 9b00540  

Synthetic, Zwitterionic Sp1 Oligosaccharides Adopt a Helical Structure Crucial for Antibody Interaction

Zhang, QJ; Gimeno, A; Santana, D; Wang, Z; Valdes-Balbin, Y; Rodriguez-Noda, LM; Hansen, T; Kong, L; Shen, MJ; Overkleeft, HS; Verez-Bencomo, V; van der Marel, GA; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Chiodo, F; Codee, JDC.

ACS central science. Volume / Issue / Pages:5(8):1407-1416. DOi: 10. 1021/acscentsci. 9b00454

Enhancement of the Anti-Aggregation Activity of a Molecular Chaperone Using a Rationally Designed Post-Translational Modification

Lindstedt, PR; Aprile, FA; Matos, MJ; Perni, M; Bertoldo, JB; Bernardim, B; Peter, Q; Jimenez-Oses, G; Knowles, TPJ; Dobson, CM; Corzana, F; Vendruscolo, M; Bernardes, GJL.

ACS central science. Volume / Issue / Pages:5(8):1417-1424. DOi: 10. 1021/acscentsci. 9b00467  

Molecular Basis of Broad Spectrum N-Glycan Specificity and Processing of Therapeutic IgG Monoclonal Antibodies by Endoglycosidase S2

Klontz, EH; Trastoy, B; Deredge, D; Fields, JK; Li, C; Orwenyo, J; Marina, A; Beadenkopf, R; Gunther, S; Flores, J; Wintrode, PL; Wang, LX; Guerin, ME; Sundberg, EJ.

ACS central science. Volume / Issue / Pages:5(3):524-538. DOi: 10. 1021/acscentsci. 8b00917

Structural and Computational Analysis of 2-Halogeno-Glycosyl Cations in the Presence of a Superacid: An Expansive Platform

Lebedel, L; Arda, A; Martin, A; Desire, J; Mingot, A; Aufiero, M; Aiguabella, N; Gilmour, R; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Bleriot, Y; Thibaudeau, S.

ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. Volume / Issue / Pages:58(39):13758-13762. DOi: 10. 1002/anie. 201907001  

Minimizing the Entropy Penalty for Ligand Binding: Lessons from the Molecular Recognition of the Histo Blood-Group Antigens by Human Galectin-3

Gimeno, A; Delgado, S; Valverde, P; Bertuzzi, S; Berbis, MA; Echavarren, J; Lacetera, A; Martin-Santamaria, S; Surolia, A; Canada, FJ; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Arda, A.

ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. Volume / Issue / Pages:58(22):7268-7272. DOi: 10. 1002/anie. 201900723

Quaternization of Vinyl/Alkynyl Pyridine Enables Ultrafast Cysteine-Selective Protein Modification and Charge Modulation

Matos, MJ; Navo, CD; Hakala, T; Ferhati, X; Guerreiro, A; Hartmann, D; Bernardim, B; Saar, KL; Companon, I; Corzana, F; Knowles, TPJ; Jimenez-Oses, G; Bernardes, GJL.

ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. Volume / Issue / Pages:58(20):6640-6644. DOi: 10. 1002/anie. 201901405

Surface Attachment Enhances the Thermodynamic Stability of ProteinL

Ortega, G; Kurnik, M; Dauphin-Ducharme, P; Li, H; Arroyo-Curras, N; Caceres, A; Plaxco, KW.

ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. Volume / Issue / Pages:58(6):1714-1718. DOi: 10. 1002/anie. 201812231

Insights into real-time chemical processes in a calcium sensor protein-directed dynamic library

Canal-Martin, A; Sastre, J; Sanchez-Barrena, MJ; Canales, A; Baldominos, S; Pascual, N; Martinez-Gonzalez, L; Molero, D; Fernandez-Valle, ME; Saez, E; Blanco-Gabella, P; Gomez-Rubio, E; Martin-Santamaria, S; Saiz, A; Mansilla, A; Canada, FJ; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Martinez, A; Perez-Fernandez, R.

Nature Communications. Volume / Issue / Pages:10(1):2798-. DOi: 10. 1038/s41467-019-10627-w

Discovery of processive catalysis by an exo-hydrolase with a pocket-shaped active site

Streltsov, VA; Luang, S; Peisley, A; Varghese, JN; Cairns, JRK; Fort, S; Hijnen, M; Tvaroska, I; Arda, A; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Alfonso-Prieto, M; Rovira, C; Mendoza, F; Tiessler-Sala, L; Sanchez-Aparicio, JE; Rodriguez-Guerra, J; Lluch, JM; Marechal, JD; Masgrau, L; Hermova, M.

Nature Communications. Volume / Issue / Pages:10(2222):-. DOi: 10. 1038/s41467-019-09691-z

Side chain to main chain hydrogen bonds stabilize a polyglutamine helix in a transcription factor

Escobedo, A; Topal, B; Kunze, MBA; Aranda, J; Chiesa, G; Mungianu, D; Bernardo-Seisdedos, G; Eftekharzadeh, B; Gairi, M; Pierattelli, R; Felli, IC; Diercks, T; Millet, O; Garcia, J; Orozco, M; Crehuet, R; Lindorff-Larsen, K; Salvatella, X.

Nature communications. Volume / Issue / Pages:10(1):2034-. DOi: 10. 1038/s41467-019-09923-2

Structural basis for assembly of vertical single beta-barrel viruses

Santos-Perez, I; Charro, D; Gil-Carton, D; Azkargorta, M; Elortza, F; Bamford, DH; Oksanen, HM; Abrescia, NGA.driguez-Guerra, J; Lluch, JM; Marechal, JD; Masgrau, L; Hermova, M.

Nature communications. Volume / Issue / Pages:10():-. DOi: 10. 1038/s41467-019-08927-2

Lymphatic vessels interact dynamically with the hair follicle stem cell niche during skin regeneration in vivo

Pena-Jimenez, D; Fontenete, S; Megias, D; Fustero-Torre, C; Grana-Castro, O; Castellana, D; Loewe, R; Perez-Moreno, M.

EMBO JOURNAL. Volume / Issue / Pages:38(19):-. DOi: 10. 15252/embj. 2019101688

A general computational approach to predicting synergistic transcriptional cores that determine cell subpopulation identities

Okawa, S; del Sol, A.

Nucleic acids research. Volume / Issue / Pages:47(7):3333-3343. DOi: 10. 1093/nar/gkz147

An integrative method to predict signalling perturbations for cellular transitions

Zaffaroni, G; Okawa, S; Morales-Ruiz, M; del Sol, A.

Nucleic acids research. Volume / Issue / Pages:47(12):e72-. DOi: 10. 1093/nar/gkz232

HuR biological function involves RRM3-mediated dimerization and RNA binding by all three RRMs

Pabis, M; Popowicz, GM; Stehle, R; Fernandez-Ramos, D; Asami, S; Warner, L; Garcia-Maurino, SM; Schlundt, A; Martinez-Chantar, ML; Diaz-Moreno, I; Sattler, M.

Nucleic acids research. Volume / Issue / Pages:47(2):1011-1029. DOi: 10. 1093/nar/gky1138

Considerations towards a roadmap for collection, handling and storage of blood extracellular vesicles

Clayton, A; Boilard, E; Buzas, EI; Cheng, L; Falcon-Perez, JM; Gardiner, C; Gustafson, D; Gualerzi, A; Hendrix, A; Hoffmann, A; Jones, J; Lasser, C; Lawson, C; Lenassi, M; Nazarenko, I; O'Driscoll, L; Pink, R; Siljander, PRM; Soekmadji, C; Wauben, M; Welsh, JA; Witwer, K; Zheng, L; Nieuwland, R.

Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. Volume / Issue / Pages:8(1):-. DOi: 10. 1080/20013078. 2019. 1647027

Tetraspanin-decorated extracellular vesicle-mimetics as a novel adaptable reference material

Lozano-Andres, E; Libregts, SF; Toribio, V; Royo, F; Morales, S; Lopez-Martin, S; Vales-Gomez, M; Reyburn, HT; Falcon-Perez, JM; Wauben, MH; Soto, M; Yanez-Mo, M.

Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. Volume / Issue / Pages:8(1):1573052-. DOi: 10. 1080/20013078. 2019. 1573052

Differences in the metabolite composition and mechanical properties of extracellular vesicles secreted by hepatic cellular models

Royo, F; Gil-Carton, D; Gonzalez, E; Mleczko, J; Palomo, L; Perez-Cormenzana, M; Mayo, R; Alonso, C; Falcon-Perez, JM.

Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. Volume / Issue / Pages:8(1):-. DOi: 10. 1080/20013078. 2019. 1575678

Reply to: Retesting the influences of mutation accumulation and antagonistic pleiotropy on human senescence and disease

Rodriguez, JA; Farre, X; Muntane, G; Marigorta, UM; Hughes, DA; Spataro, N; Bosch, E; Navarro, A.

Nature ecology & evolution. Volume / Issue / Pages:3(7):994-995. DOi: 10. 1038/s41559-019-0926-y

Arkaitz Carracedo: If the scientific question is good, the result will be interesting

Houston, S; Carracedo, A.

JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. Volume / Issue / Pages:216(11):2449-2450. DOi: 10. 1084/jem. 20191880

Draft Genome Sequence of Streptomyces sp. Strain AM-2504, Identified by 16S rRNA Comparative Analysis as a Streptomyces kasugaensis Strain

Napolioni, V; Cimarelli, L; Miano, A; La Teana, A; Capuni, R; Giuliodori, AM; Fabbretti, A; Spurio, R.

Microbiology resource announcements. Volume / Issue / Pages:8(38):-. DOi: 10. 1128/MRA. 00966-19

Editorial Activity

  • Joaquín Castilla
    Advisory Board

  • Óscar Millet
    Associate Editor

  • Juan Anguita
    Editor Board

  • Óscar Millet
    Editor Board

  • Juan Anguita
    Editor Board

  • Francisco Blanco
    Editor Board

  • Antonio Del Sol
    Editor Board

  • Óscar Millet
    Associate Editor

  • Óscar Millet
    Editor Board

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Félix Elortza
    Associate Editor

  • Juan M. Falcón
    Review Editor

  • Rosa Barrio
    Review Editor

  • Juan Anguita
    Review Editor

  • Juan Anguita
    Review Editor

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Associate Editor

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Juan Anguita
    Editor Board

  • Juan Anguita
    Editor Board

  • Rosa Barrio
    Editor Board

  • Óscar Millet
    Associate Editor

  • Félix Elortza
    Associate Editor

  • María Vivanco
    Editor Board

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Jesús Jiménez Barbero
    Advisory Board

  • Óscar Millet
    Editor Board

  • Joaquín Castilla
    Editor Board

  • Joaquín Castilla
    Editor Board

  • Francisco Blanco
    Editor Board


0 M€

1 Advanced Grant

- ERC-2017-AdG: RECGLYCANMR - Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR (Jesús Jiménez Barbero)

1 Consolidator Grant

- ERC-2018-CoG: CancerADAPT - Targeting the adaptative capacity of prostate cancer through the manipulation of transcriptional and metabolic traits (Arkaitz Carracedo)

3 Starting Grants

- ERC-2013-StG: CANCERMETAB - Metabolic requirements for prostate cancer cell fitness (Arkaitz Carracedo)

- ERC-2016-StG: ADJUV-ANT VACCINES - Elucidating the Molecular Mechanisms of Synthetic Saponin Adjuvants and Development of Novel Self-Adjuvanting Vaccines (Alberto Fernández-Tejada)

- ERC-2017-StG: NextGen IO - Exploiting the hypoxia response in T cells for NextGeneration Immuno-Oncology (Asís Palazón)

1 Proof of Concept Grant

- ERC-2016-PoC: MetaboMARKER - A metabolism bases prognostic biomarker for prostate cancer (Arkaitz Carracedo)

New Projects

Asís Palazón
ERC Starting Grant

NextGen IO: Exploiting the hypoxia response in T cells for NextGeneration Immuno-Oncology


Arkaitz Carracedo
ERC Consolidator Grant

CancerADAPT: Targeting the adaptative capacity of prostate cancer through the manipulation of transcriptional and metabolic traits


Special Projects

MSCA Innovative Training Networks ETN

Anti-bacterial Innovative Vaccine Training Network - BactiVax

University College Dublin

Partner Organization
Atlas Molecular Pharma



Gilead Sciences International Research Scholars Program 2019

Metabolic adaptation as an essential requirement for live generation



MSCA Innovative Training Networks ETN

The life cycle of extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer: from biogenesis and homing, to funcional relevance - ProEVLifeCycle

Erasmus University Medical Center (Netherlands)



Ayuda a Equipos de Investigación Científica

Glutamine Metabolism in the Brain Liver axis in NAFLD-UMBRELLA




Rare Diseases

For improving diagnostics and Grasping the disease mechanisms of rare Hypomagnesemia in patients with CNNM2 mutations - FIGHT - CNNM2


Asociación de pacientes
como socia del



XVI Beca Fero Investigación Oncológica Traslacional

Targeting the immune epigenome for next generation Immuno-oncology



HR Funding

Ikerbasque Research Fellow

June Ereño

Ikerbasque Research Fellow

Marco Piva

"La Caixa" Doctoral Fellowship INPHINIT - Incoming at Research Centers of Excellence

Early Stage Researcher:
Gabriel Soares Guerra



"La Caixa" Doctoral Fellowship INPHINIT - Retaining at Research Centers of Excellence

Early Stage Researcher:
Mikel García Alija



Postdoctoral AECC 2019

Postdoctoral researcher:
Laura Bozal Basterra

0 + 0

Investigator: Beatriz Trastoy
IP: Marcelo Guerín

MSCA Individual Fellowship

Glyco Mabs: Chemoenzymatic glycoengineering of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies




XIV Premio Fundación Banco Sabadell a la Investigación Biomédica



Antonio Del Sol Mesa receives the National Research Funds Award (Luxembourg) for his article published in Nature Communications

The Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry and Elsevier reward the young researcher Iñaki Bastida Saiz

L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science 2019 awards Verónica Torrano

Scientific Programmes

Metabolism and Cell Signaling in Disease

  • Personalized medicine
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Liver Diseases
  • Rare Diseases
  • Biomarkers for Diagnosis
  • Biomarkers for Prognosis
  • Drug Design and Discovery

Molecular Recognition and Host-Pathogen

  • Rare Diseases
  • Homeostasis
  • Viral Infections
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Prion Disease
  • Tick-Borne Disease
  • Immune Response
  • Drug Design and Discovery


  • NMR Spectroscopy
  • Macromolecular Crystallography
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Genome Analysis
  • Proteomics
  • Metabolomics
  • Animal Facility

Metabolism and Cell Signaling in Disease

  • Personalized medicine
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Liver Diseases
  • Rare Diseases
  • Biomarkers for Diagnosis
  • Biomarkers for Prognosis
  • Drug Design and Discovery

Molecular Recognition and Host-Pathogen

  • Rare Diseases
  • Homeostasis
  • Viral Infections
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Prion Disease
  • Tick-Borne Disease
  • Immune Response
  • Drug Design and Discovery

Technological Platforms

  • NMR Spectroscopy
  • Macromolecular Crystallography
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Genome Analysis
  • Proteomics
  • Metabolomics
  • Animal Facility

Generation of


Commercialization of

Scientific Programmes
Research lines


Metabolic diseases

Infectious diseases

Rare diseases

The cutting-edge scientific activity of CIC bioGUNE researchers explores the interface between Chemistry and Biomedicine, with emphasis on Structural, Molecular and Cell Biology. An integrative Bioinformatic Program extrapolate relevant conclusion from basic science.

Scientific Programmes
Metabolism & Cell Signaling in Disease






  1. Target discovery and evaluation of their therapeutic potential
  2. Cancer and more: Identification of biomarkers with potential diagnostic value
  3. Novel therapies against rare diseases
  4. The molecular basis of fibrosis
  5. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

The Research Programmes
Molecular Recognition & Host-Pathogen Interactions




Membrane remodelling

Animal and plant viruses

  1. Bacterial and Viral Infections: Vaccines for human and animal health
  2. Mechanisms of membrane remodelling during microbial invasion and propagation
  3. Plant vaccines and transgenics
  4. Antibiotics research and molecular characterization

The Research Programmes
Technology Platforms

Genome Analysis Platform

Proteomics Platform

Metabolomics Platform

Animal Facility

Antibodies Production

Drug Repositioning & Discovery

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Macromolecular Crystallography

Electron Microscopy Platform

Collaboration Models

R&D Collaborations


0 in progress

Collaboration RVCTI


The PhD Training Program @ CIC bioGUNE

Academic Regulations

  • Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)
  • Personal Development Plan
  • Annual TAC Meetings and Reports

Advanced Training

  • Introductory Week
  • Courses
  • Seminars

Annual TAC Meetings
Annex II Annex III Annex IV
1st TAC 2nd TAC 3rd TAC
Well defined thesis project including risk assessment Monitoring adequate progress in view of the PhD project Timing of thesis submission
Predoc well acquainted with the scientific landscape in which the thesis project is embedded Refined path forward for following period What experiments still need to be done to finish up
Paperwork ready for University registration Plan/schedule for publication Preparation for Thesis Defence
Individual development plan Report/outlook on conference attendance  
  Individual development plan  

International visits

Prof. Stephen G Withers

The University of British Columbia
Department of Chemistry

Vancouver, Canada

Prof. Robert J Woods

University of Georgia
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center


Visit November 15th

Visit November 28th

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan - Nikolaev Artur

Scientific production and Technology Transfer



The program provides PhD and MBA students a vehicle toward entrepreneurship through learn-by-doing methodology, at the intersection of Life Sciences, Engineering and Business.

Tech Transfer Seminar


We continuously screen for technologies with high exploitation values for society and scientists are immersed in the development and evaluation of the idea and the generation of models to allow commercialization.


Conferences/ Symposiums

14th Anniversary Lecture

International Day of Womans and Girls in Science

Jornada de medicina de precisión

Designación, desarrollo y acceso de medicamentos huérfanos

Christmas Lecture

Nuevas herramientas en Proteómica

5th Geivex Symposium

Network in Physical Virology

Reunión anual del Grupo Español de Hipoxia y RedHYPOX


2nd Glycobasque Meeting

LITMUS 2nd Steering Meeting

Workshop on Conformation, Dynamics and Interactions of Carbohydrates

ONCO Interclustering Meeting

High Quality Training

CIC bioGUNE and CIC biomaGUNE collaborate with Deusto University


Collaboration with Deusto University

Cooperation and Integration

The Basque Ecosystem. Biosciences/Health


Cooperation and Integration

Approach Civil Society
Collaboration Agreements

AECC contra el cáncer

British Council

Enhance External Visibility
Scientific Annual Review 2018
Scientific Annual Review 2018
Social Media
Create an Alumni Network
In collaboration with Bizkaia Talent:
The talent attraction /retention arm of Basque Country
Bizkaia Talent

Dissemination & Outreach

Dissemination and Outreach
Press clippings

Dissemination and Outreach
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Dissemination and Outreach
YouTube Channel

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Dissemination & Outreach

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