
International collaboration teams up for innovative omics technologies integration workshop

Researchers from CIC bioGUNE in collaboration with researchers from NOVA Medical School (Lisbon) and the Curie Institute (Paris), concluded a three-day practical workshop.

The event, held on September 13th to 15th, focused on the application of omics technologies and provided a unique opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art webtools designed for interpreting data generated by omics technologies.

The Exosomes Laboratory, led by Juan Manuel Falcón, Ikerbasque Research Profesor at CIC bioGUNE – member of BRTA -, in collaboration with researchers from NOVA Medical School (Lisbon) and the Curie Institute (Paris), recently concluded a three-day practical workshop focused on the application of omics technologies and their integration to advance our understanding of exosomes and their functions. This initiative brought together experts and enthusiasts from various corners of the scientific community to explore the intricacies of exosome biology and the powerful insights offered by omics technologies.

The workshop, held from 13th to 15th of September, gathered scientists and researchers embracing the opportunity to venture into the realm of exosome research. The event provided a unique opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art webtools designed for interpreting data generated by omics technologies, including proteomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics. These webtools play a pivotal role in uncovering the hidden secrets of exosomes and their impact on cellular processes.

Participants were treated to specialized lectures that not only deepened their understanding of exosome biology but also shed light on the myriad omics technologies and webtools available for data interpretation. These informative sessions offering valuable insights and perspectives on the latest developments and were led by renowned experts in the field, such as Dr. Ana M Aransay and Dr. Félix Elortza, Genome Analysis and Proteomics platforms managers at CIC bioGUNE, respectively.

One of the highlights of the workshop was the practical component, where participants engaged in data analysis using diverse datasets. They were challenged to answer two pivotal questions:

  • What effects can exosomes produce in a specific cell type?
  • Which molecules within exosomes are responsible for these effects?

The findings generated during these analyses serve as a foundation for identifying potential targets for future investigations, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries in exosome research.

This transformative workshop was organized within the framework of the European Project, HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01 EU Twining EVCA project (Reference: 101079264). The project aims to facilitate collaborative efforts and knowledge exchange among European institutions, driving innovation and excellence in the field of exosome research.

About CIC bioGUNE

The Centre for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CIC bioGUNE), member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), located in the Bizkaia Technology Park, is a biomedical research organisation conducting cutting-edge research at the interface between structural, molecular and cell biology, with a particular focus on generating knowledge on the molecular bases of disease, for use in the development of new diagnostic methods and advanced therapies.

About BRTA

BRTA is an alliance of 4 collaborative research centres (CIC bioGUNE, CIC nanoGUNE, CIC biomaGUNE y CIC energiGUNE) and 12 technology centres (Azterlan, Azti, Ceit, Cidetec, Gaiker, Ideko, Ikerlan, Lortek, Neiker, Tecnalia, Tekniker and Vicomtech) with the main objective of developing advanced technological solutions for the Basque corporate fabric.

With the support of the Basque Government, the SPRI Group and the Provincial Councils of the three territories, the alliance seeks to promote collaboration between the research centres, strengthen the conditions to generate and transfer knowledge to companies, contributing to their competitiveness and outspreading the Basque scientific-technological capacity abroad.

BRTA has a workforce of 3,500 professionals, executes 22% of the Basque Country's R&D investment, registers an annual turnover of more than 300 million euros and generates 100 European and international patents per year.

About NOVA Medical School

NOVA Medical School (NMS) is a prestigious medical school located in Lisbon, Portugal. It is officially known as Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Faculty of Medical Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon). NMS is an integral part of Nova University Lisbon (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), one of the leading universities in Portugal.

About Curie Institute

The Curie Institute (Institut Curie) in Paris, France, named after scientist Marie Curie, pioneers research and treatment in oncology. Known for interdisciplinary collaboration, it advances cancer understanding and treatment through innovative, personalized care. The institute educates professionals, engages in global collaborations, and upholds Marie Curie's legacy in cancer research and radioactivity. Multiple Paris campuses underscore its vital role in the global fight against cancer.

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