Technology Platforms

CIC bioGUNE has a modern scientific infrastructure which allows us to compete with the main European research institutes. Together with our scientific expertise, our technology platforms are at the service of society, health and business networks, and the global scientific community. The infrastructure includes advanced equipment for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) now also recognized as ICTS, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, a facility for monoclonal antibody production as well as different core technology platforms where genomes, proteomes and metabolomes can be analyzed.

The mission of our Technology Platform and Facilities is to implement and develop state-of-the-art chemical, biochemical, and biotechnological tools, methodologies, and reagents, to provide expert technical support and advice to Life Science experts in the wide number of disciplines and technologies used in biomedical research, and to make them available for the whole life science ecosystem through collaboration or service provision.