Proteomic Platform
Proteomics Platform
At the Proteomics Platform we provide high quality standards to proteomic projects originated in Private companies, and Clinical or Academic entities. Since we are aware that proteomics is much more than just protein identification, we care for the development and settling of new proteomic technologies and methodologies.

Proteomics through relative protein quantification has become a powerful tool to decipher cell´s molecular basis and biomarker discovery. With that in mind, we use nLC MS/MS based Label Free quantification. Accordingly, we count with one of the most sophisticated proteomic nLC MS/MS combo: EVOSEP ONE (nLC) coupled on-line to a TIMS Tof Pro (MS/MS). Our technology results in high sensitivity, performance and throughput proteomics pipeline. The final outcome is a straightforward procedure, letting us to get useful biological information starting from a very diverse type of samples (e.g. tissue samples, biological fluids, total cell lysates, exosomes, viruses etc.) and enabling us to tackle translational and precision medicine projects.
- Platform Manager: Félix Elortza
The proteomics platform is equipped with a wide range of analytical instrumentation and also state of the art mass spectrometers.
For protein characterization, identification and quantification, we have three mass spectrometers.
- UltrafleXtreme MALDI TOF (Bruker)
- EVOSEP ONE (and nano Elute, Bruker) coupled on-line to a TIMS Tof Pro mass spectrometer (Bruker).
EVOSEP ONE, a brand-new generation of nLC system, allows an unprecedented chromatographic speed, reproducibility and robustness.
TIMS Tof Pro (MS/MS) mass spectrometer is powered by PASEF (Parallel Accumulation Serial Fragmentation) and thanks to that parent and fragment spectra can be aligned by mobility values achieving >100 Hz MS/MS acquisition speed, resulting in one of the fastest mass spectrometers nowadays.

Service catalogue

Our mass spectrometers are highly complementary and allow us to accomplish a wide range of proteomic analyses and services:
- Peptide Separation.
- Protein and Peptide molecular weight analysis determination by MALDI-TOF.
- Protein identification by nLC MS/MS.
- Protein relative quantification by label free nLC MS/MS.
- Protein Characterization: Post-translational Modification analysis *.
- Natural Peptidome (endogenous peptides) analysis by nLC MS/MS *.
*Contact Platform Manager for more information about these services. Please, do not hesitate contacting us if you would require a service which is not listed. We will study different possibilities on how to tackle the analysis..
Service Request
For information about experimental design and quote contact directly Felix Elortza (