Biosafety and Radiation Protection

This Service is in charge of the proper operation of
CIC bioGUNE´s Radioactive Facility including all activities carried out by the operators and users, according to the rules provided by the Operation Authorization, the Protection Radiology Manual, the Emergency Plan and any other officially approved document obliging the users to observe such rules. As regards its biosafety role, the main duty of the Service is to establish safe working conditions by promoting good laboratory practices.

Biosafety & Radioprotection Officer: Beatriz González Callejas


The informatics service covers all needs of a mid-sized organization IT, from help-desk support up to strategic decisions about equipment purchases.

Taking care of servers, ethernet and SAN networks, developing and deploying new web applications, and ajusting the performance of our high performace computing clusters, are some of our everyday tasks.

Our strategic objectives are:
  • Offering a reliable and efficient service.
  • Develop software to speed up research.
  • Getting continuous improvement of services through innovation and collaboration.
  • Foreseeing needs of the center and fulfilling them.
  • Supporting the strategic and corporate plan of the center.

Informatics Officer: Gabriel Carasa


The principal task of the Maintenance Service is the development and implementation of a preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance in CIC bioGUNE.

Maintenance Officer: Carles Chalaux